The Centre offers MS (M.Phil) and Ph.D. degree programs. All programs are research oriented and require extensive field and laboratory work for data acquisition. Strong aptitude for high level independent and/or guided research is the pre-requisite for all the programs. All admissions are subject to the approval by the Academic Committee of the C.E.M. and Board of Advanced Studies and Research of the University of Balochistan. The Centre follows the admission and registration policies of the University of Balochistan.


Eligibility criteria:

Eligibility for M.Phil Program:

A candidate seeking admission in M.Phil /M.S degree programs in a subject must possess a sixteen years education or 4 years B.A / B.S. or equivalent program after F.A/F.Sc. (130 credit hours) or Master degree in the subject / related field except the English Literature from any recognized University / Institution with a minimum obtained marks 60% (Annual System) or its equivalent CGPA, 2.50 in Semester System. 


Eligibility for Ph.D Program:

For pursuing a Ph.D degree, a 30 credit hours M.Phil/MS degree with 1st division of CGPA of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00 or overall 60% marks in annual system or equivalent in the relevant subject is a prerequisite from any recognized University. In case of foreign degree, it will be made sure that it is equivalent to Pakistani M.Phil/M.S degree from any recognized University / Institution. 







i) Program of study and research for the M.Phil Degree shall be available in the Teaching Departments of the Faculties, Research Institutes and the Centers of Excellence, Area Studies of the University. These regulations and rules shall be applicable to all the above departments / bodies.

ii) A candidate seeking admission to M.Phil degree program in a subject must possess a sixteen years of schooling or 4 years after F.A / F.Sc. (130 credit hours) or Master degree in the subject/ related field from any recognized University /Institution with a First division / GPA of 3.0.

iii) A test equivalent to GRE test (NTS) will be necessary for admission to MPhil/MS leading to PhD.

iv) Admission will be approved by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research after the necessary formalities prescribed for admission under the University rules and regulations have been completed.


The minimum residential requirement is 4 semesters and maximum 10 semesters.


i) Course Work:

A candidate need to complete a minimum of 32 credit hours out of which 24 credit hours will be reserved for course work and 6 credit hours for research. Out of 24 credit hours course work, 2/3 is for major courses (core & elective) and 1/3 minor (core & elective). There may be some compulsory subjects.

ii) Examination:

a) A candidate admitted for M.Phil degree program shall be required to complete and qualify all courses with pass marks of B grade for the 1st year. There shall be a written comprehensive examination, 3 papers from the major and 1 from the minor subjects.

b) The mode of examination may be made uniform. In every department and Centres, the term system will be adopted and two examinations a year be arranged.

c) The Dean Research in consultation with the Controller of examination will make arrangement for the conduct of examination.

d) There shall be external evaluation of assessment of course work.

iii) Supervisor

a) The Research Supervisor will be person having adequate research qualification such as PhD in the relevant field, experience and publications to his credit. He shall be responsible for the guidance and supervision of course work and research by the student during the period of his registration. In special circumstances there could be a co-supervisor who shall also have PhD in the relevant field.

b) The selection of supervisor shall be made within 1st semester or term. Each department will nominate a student guidance committee consisting of 2-3 faculty members having strong research background before the appointment of research supervisor.

iv) Synopsis

The synopsis shall be submitted in the 1st semester / term.

v) Seminar

The seminar shall be open for all interested persons.


i) M.Phil admission shall be advertised twice a year by the research coordinators through the Registrar office and all admissions shall be finalized in the month of April and October every year.

ii) In response to the advertisement for M.Phil admission by the University of Balochistan, the candidate has to submit his/her application to Research Coordinator. The HEC shall organized GRE test in consultation with Research Coordinator; the Dean of the respective faculty shall also be present on the test date.

iii) The candidates who qualify the test, the applications shall be scrutinized by the admission Committee comprising the respective Dean, Research Coordinator, concerned supervisor, Chairman / a senior faculty member and Director, Quality Enhancement Cell.

ii) The admission committee shall scrutinize the relevant documents and courses of 24 credit hrs and submit its recommendations to the Registrar for placing before the Committee for Board of Advanced Studies / Research.

iii) The Committee will consider and approve the courses to be followed, the topic of research for the dissertation and the name of the supervisor for research for the student. During the period of registration if there arises a need for the change of supervisor on genuine grounds, the Committee, on the recommendation of the admission committee will appoint a new supervisor.

iv) The Registrar will notify the names of the applicants approved for admission, within two weeks of the approval. The candidates selected for admission will be required to complete the admission and registration formalities within the period notified in the schedule.

v) In teaching departments a Research Supervisor will not have more than eight research candidates at one time.


i) The M.Phil degree program of the University shall be run on course work and research.

ii) The duration for completing M.Phil degree program as a regular full time student will be two years. By the end of two years, the student must have successfully completed all the prescribed examinations in the course work, research and submit his dissertation. After two years a candidate shall not be a regular student of M.Phil and shall continue as part time scholar for submitting his dissertation up to 10 semesters.

iii) If a student fails to submit the dissertation within the prescribed time limit, including any extension; his registration shall stand cancelled and the candidate may then apply for admission afresh. The Committee may allow the candidate who has been granted fresh admission to submit his dissertation six months after the date of re-admission.

iv) M.Phil degree programs through course work and research for university as well as college teachers shall need to take study leave from his / her employer for two years. The candidate will be a full time regular student for two years (4 semesters / terms) to cover the course work.

v) The courses of study will be framed and recommended by the committee of 3 faculty members comprising of supervisor, two other faculty members having strong research experience in the relevant field and the chairman / chairperson. The committee shall design courses with credit hrs as major and minor courses.

vi) Each paper in the course work will be of 100 marks, and to qualify in a course / paper, a candidate must secure at least 50% for qualifying only M.Phil degree program. Those who want to enter into PhD program need to secure 60% in M.Phil degree courses.

vii) Faculty members having M.Phil / PhD shall be eligible to teach courses of M.Phil level.

viii) Applicants at any stage during his studies wants to change his / her department, they have to apply a fresh.


i) Courses of 24 credit hrs shall be completed during the first year of M.Phil degree program. During the next year 6 credit hrs shall be for research and one seminar lecture to be delivered on the topic of research.

ii) Candidates failing in the examination of any course and seminar shall be allowed only one additional chance to qualify and pass that course/seminar. This additional examination will be held within three months after the declaration of the result of the first examination.



i) A student who has completed the following requirements will be eligible for appearing in the M.Phil examination.

a) That he / she has been registered as an M.Phil student and has been on the rolls of the Department in this University as a regular student for the period of the course and has attended not less than 75% of the lectures of the courses.

b) That he / she has satisfactorily completed the course work, research and seminar etc.

ii. The admission committee will recommend a panel of names (five in number) for appointment as examiners in the papers of the course work which will be approved by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research or by the Vice Chancellor subject to subsequent approval of the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research then the same will be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations as confidential document for getting the question papers set by the approved paper setters.

iii) The admission committee of the respective department / faculty will inform the Controller of Examinations about the schedule of dates on which the examinations are to be held. The Controller of Examinations shall make arrangements for the conduct of examinations, which will be held in the department concerned at the end of the year.

iv) The course teacher called the internal paper setter will set a model paper which will be forwarded by the Controller of Examinations to the External Examiner approved by the admission Committee. The external examiner will retain at least 25% of the number of questions proposed by the Internal Examiner. A candidate shall be allowed a choice of 40% in the question papers.

v) External Examiner shall be a person, who will not be in the service of this University and shall be a person of eminence holding PhD in the relevant field.

vi) The answer scripts of the examination will be assessed and examined by the External Examiner who will forward the award to the Controller of Examinations in a sealed cover.

vii) The remuneration for setting the paper shall be paid equally to the Internal and External Examiners at the approved rates.


i) Each student shall be allotted a topic of research for the dissertation. The title shall be recommended by the supervisor and shall be submitted for approval by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research (BOASR). No change will be allowed without the prior approval of the Committee.

ii) A candidate will prepare and submit a synopsis for the research study containing the background, methodology and feasibility of study in terms of availability of source materials to the research supervisor who after scrutiny shall forward the same to the admission committee.

iii) The Admission Committee will forward to the Registrar for consideration of the Committee for BOASR, a certificate that the topic has not been given subject of M.Phil research in this University or any other University of Pakistan.

iv) On completion of the research study, the candidate shall submit to the Registrar, through the Supervisor and the Dean of the Faculty, an application on the prescribed form for permission to submit his dissertation, for which he shall pay the prescribed fee and attach a copy of the payment receipt with the application form.

v) The Registrar’s office after scrutiny of the form and of the fulfillment of all requirements as under the rules, and of the payments of all prescribed fee and dues, shall issue a certificate allowing the candidate to submit his dissertation within four weeks of the end of the second year or of the extended period.

vi) The candidate shall submit to the Registrar four black, hard-bound copies of his dissertation, conforming to the required specification of the prescribed format complete in all respects, as approved by the supervisor and certified by the Chairman of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty, at least two weeks before the date of the next meeting of the Committee.

vii) The dissertation shall include a signed certificate by the candidate that he has prepared and written the dissertation himself and that he has not submitted this dissertation at any other University. The certificate will be countersigned by the supervisor.

viii) The dissertation shall be typed on quarto size (8.5” x 11.0”) white paper, leaving 1.5” margin. The title of the dissertation shall be on the top cover and the spine of the dissertation.

ix) The dissertation shall be evaluated by two examiners one of whom shall be the research supervisor as internal examiner and one external examiner.

x) The respective Dean will propose five names of Professors for examiner-ship in each case of M.Phil or Ph.D. thesis or viva voce Examination to the Vice Chancellor through Controller of Examinations, out of those nine or seven names of Professors at least two examiners will be selected by the Vice Chancellor for each thesis or Viva Voce of M.Phil. The Registrar shall present the same before the Committee for its consideration and approval. The approved list of examiners shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations in a sealed cover.

xi) The Registrar, after completing necessary formalities, shall pass on the copies of the dissertation to the Controller of Examinations, who shall forward a copy of the dissertation to each examiner for evaluation. When all reports have been received from the examiners, these shall be forwarded to the Registrar in original sealed cover who shall place them before the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research. Reports of examiners of the dissertation will be made available to the viva voce examiners before the viva voce examinations.

xii) When the thesis examiners recommend the award of the degree, the Committee shall direct the Controller of Examinations to arrange the holding of viva voce examination that shall be conducted by the internal and the external examiners. The viva voce examination will be held in the office of the Dean who will be titular Chairman of the examination session in the presence of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, respective Dean, the examiner, Supervisors and research coordinator. The respective Dean, the examiner and Supervisor will be give individual reports on the thesis and on the Viva Voce of M.Phil degree.

xiii) (a) Not-with-standing para (xii), where revision of whole or a part of the dissertation has been advised by any examiner, a minimum period of six months must elapse before the revised dissertation can be re-submitted for evaluation by the same examiner. Only two chances for re-submission of the dissertation shall be allowed. The procedure pertaining to the submission and evaluation of the dissertation, given in para (xi) above shall also apply to the revised dissertation.

(b) On re-submission of the dissertation, the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research may appoint another external examiner and the opinion of that examiner shall be final.

xiv) In case the examiners recommend the award of the degree but at the same time indicate some errors in the dissertation or advise some minor changes in it, the candidate shall carry out the necessary corrections/changes. The viva voce examination will be held after the receipt of a certificate from the supervisor that the necessary corrections/changes have been made.

xv) In case the external examiners do not recommend award of the degree, the Committee shall recommend rejection of the dissertation and the registration of the candidate shall stand cancelled.

xvi) Reports of viva voce examiners when received, shall be forwarded by the Controller of Examinations in original sealed cover to the Registrar for presentation to the Committee. If the reports are satisfactory and the candidates pass the aforesaid viva voce Examination approved by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research, then his result should be declared effect from the date of approval of Committee for advanced Studies and Research.

xvii) Decision for award of M.Phil/Ph.D may be communicated to the Controller of Examinations to issue the Provisional Certificate.

xviii) The candidates may be given privileges of the said degree with effect from the date of the approval of Committee for Advanced Studies & Research.

xix) The degree may be followed up in routine by Academic Council and the Syndicate as per requirement.


The following fees shall be payable by the candidates registered for M.Phil. degree course, as per detailed below.

1. Registration Fee Rs. 1,350/-

2. Tuition Fee Rs. 4,200/-

3. Course Examination Fee. Rs. 1,350/-

4. Thesis & Viva Voce Exam. Fee Rs. 1,800/-

5. Caution Money (Non-refundable) Rs. 675/-

Total….. Rs. 9.375/-


1. Paper Setting Rs. 1000.00 each

2. Script assessment Rs. 25.00 per script with a

minimum Rs 200

3. Dissertation Evaluation Rs. 1000.00 each

4. Viva Voce Rs. 500.00 each

Ph.D Rules




A candidate seeking admission to Ph.D. degree program in a subject must fulfill following conditions:

i) M.Phil. degree in the subject from any recognized University, with 30 credit hrs (24 credit hrs course with a minimum GPA of 3.0). Subjects in which Ist division is not common e.g., Linguistics and literature, the selection will be made on the basis of top 25% of the coaching class in consultation with respective University.


A foreign degree equivalent to M.Phil from any recognized institution.


A minimum of 18 years of education.

ii) The candidates must pass subject GRE (International) test for admission in PhD in disciplines where this test is not available, the test will be developed locally (HEC in collaboration with NTS).


i) Residency requirement will be a minimum of 4 semesters (two years) and maximum 10 semesters after 16 years of education.
ii) Residency requirement will be 2 semesters (one year) after 18 years of education.

iii) At the end of the minimum period mentioned at (i), if the candidate has not been able to complete his / her research and prepare thesis, extension may be granted by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research on the recommendation of the Supervisor for one year at a time up to the limit of the maximum period. If a candidate fails to submit his thesis at the end of the maximum period allowed under extensions, his registration shall stand cancelled and the candidate may apply for admission afresh.

iv) At any stage of PhD candidature, the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research may cancel the registration of the candidates on adverse reports of the research supervisor.


v) Course Work

A candidate need to complete a minimum of 18 credit hrs in addition to 24 credit hrs at MS / M.Phil level and a minimum of 20 credit hrs for research. Out of 18 credit hrs course work, 2/3 are for major courses (core & elective) and 1/3 minor (core & elective). There may be some compulsory subjects.

vi) Examination

a) A candidate admitted for PhD degree program shall be required to complete and qualify all courses with pass marks of B grade for the 1st year. There shall be a written comprehensive examination.

b) To make mode of examination uniform, in every Department and Centres, the term system will be adopted and two examinations a year be arranged.

c) The Dean Research in consultation with the Controller of examination will make arrangement for the conduct of examination.

d) There shall be external evaluation of assessment of course work.

iii) Supervisor

c) The Research Supervisor will be person having adequate research qualification such like Ph.D. experience and publications to his credit. He shall be responsible for the guidance and supervision of course work and research by the student during the period of his registration. In special circumstances there could be a co-supervisor having Ph.D. in the relevant field.

d) The selection of supervisor shall be made within 1st semester or term. Each department will nominate a student guidance committee consisting of 2-3 faculty members having strong research background before the appointment of research supervisor.

e) The maximum number of PhD students under the supervision of one PhD supervisor will be eight at a time. In research institutes where the faculty is involved in full time research with low teaching work load, the number of PhD students may be larger with approval of the HEC.

iv) Synopsis

The synopsis shall be submitted in the 1st semester / term.

v) Ph.D. Thesis Examination

PhD dissertation must be evaluated by at least two experts from technologically advanced countries.


iv) PhD admission shall be advertised twice a year by the research coordinators through the Registrar office and all admissions shall be finalized in the month of April and October every year.

v) Application on prescribed form for admission to PhD degree program will be submitted to the Chairman / Chairperson of the concerned Department. Each faculty will constitute a committee called Admission Committee comprising of supervisor, a senior faculty member having sound research experience and the respective Dean. The committee shall scrutinize all the applications, relevant documents and courses of 18 credit hrs and submit its recommendations to the Registrar for placing before the Committee for Board of Advanced Studies / Research. The Committee will forward for record a certificate from the proposed supervisor that to the best of his knowledge, the topic has not been the subject of PhD research in any University of Pakistan. He will also certify about the feasibility of research topic, the availability of resources and the general conduct of the research.

vi) The Registrar will present the application before the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research in its next meeting for its consideration and approval of the admission.

vii) The Committee will approve the title of the thesis, the name of the Research Supervisor/s and the course work program for individual students.

viii) During the period of registration, if there arises a need on genuine grounds for the change of the supervisor, the Committee on the recommendation of the Chairman/Director and the Dean of the Faculty will appoint a new supervisor.

ix) The Registrar will notify the names of the approved candidates within fifteen days of the approval, defining the schedule for the completion of the admission formalities.

x) The Research Supervisor will be person having adequate research qualification, experience and publications to his credit or a scholar of established repute in his field of knowledge. He shall be responsible for the guidance and supervision of the research by the candidate during the period of his registration and shall send half yearly reports on the progress of the courses and research work of the candidate, to the Registrar through the Chairman/Director of the department/institute or centre and the Dean of the Faculty concerned. The Registrar will place the same before the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research.

xi) Each candidate registered for PhD degree shall be assigned a topic of research. The topic of research shall be recommend by the Chairman and the concerned Supervisor of the department and approved by the Committee at the time of the admission of the candidate. No change in the title of the thesis shall be allowed without the prior approval of the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research.

xii) There should be at least three faculty members in a department to launch a PhD program. However, in extraordinary case, even one PhD teacher could start a PhD program if justified properly and approved by the HEC.


i) A candidate registered as PhD student shall be required to:

a) Prepare his research plan and bibliography, and complete at least two assignments on topics/problems suggested by the research supervisor. The same will be retained as record.

b) Deliver at least three seminar lectures on topic suggested by the research supervisor. The schedule of seminar lectures shall be prepared and notified at the beginning of the year.

ii) During the years of his registration, the candidate shall devote himself solely to course work / research. He shall be required to pay tuition fee for the years; he remains a registered student for the degree of PhD.

iii) A candidate registered for PhD program need to complete course work of 18 credit hrs (after M.Phil degree program) and 20 credit hrs of research.

iv) A candidate failing in the examination of any course or getting GPA less than 3.0 (Ist division) shall not be eligible for the award of PhD degree. The terminal degree in such case shall be MS / M.Phil.

v) A candidate shall be allowed to improve GPA as per University policy.



A student who has completed the following requirements will be eligible for appearing in the PhD examination.

viii) That he / she has been registered as an Ph.D. student and has been on the rolls of the Department in this University as a regular student for the period of the course and has attended not less than 75% of the lectures of the courses.

ix) That he / she has satisfactorily completed the course work, research and seminars etc


i) On completion of the research study, the candidate shall submit to the Registrar through the Chairman of the Department and Dean of the Faculty concerned, an application on prescribed form for admission to thesis examination for which he shall pay the prescribed fees and attach a copy of the payment receipt with the application form.

ii) The Registration office, after the scrutiny of the application and that of the payment of all prescribed fees and dues shall issue a certificate allowing the candidate to submit his thesis.

iii) The candidate shall, therefore, submit to the Research Supervisor four copies of the abstract of the thesis in about 400-500 words and four copies of black bound t thesis, complete in all respects, and confirming to the required specification of the prescribed format. The thesis shall be typed on quarto size i.e. 8.5”x 11.0”, white paper, leaving a margin of 1.5” on either side. The title of the dissertation shall be on the top cover and the spine of the dissertation.

iv) The Research Supervisor after certifying that the work was done under his supervision shall forward the copies of the thesis alongwith the abstract to the Registrar. The Registrar after necessary formalities shall pass on the same to the Controller of Examinations for onward transmission to the Examiners. One copy of the thesis shall be retained by the Controller of Examinations.

v) The thesis shall be evaluated by three examiners, one of whom shall be the Research Supervisor as the Internal Examiner and two External Examiners from technologically advanced countries.

vi) The Chairman of the Department in consultation with the Research Supervisor shall forward the thesis to the Registrar in sealed covers alongwith a panel of names of examiners for the thesis and viva voce for the approval of the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research. The approved list shall be forwarded in sealed cover to the Controller of Examinations who shall obtain the written consent of the examiners.

vii) After obtaining the written consent of the concerned examiners, the Controller of Examinations shall forward a copy of thesis to each examiner for evaluation. When reports from all the examiners are received, these shall be forwarded in the original sealed covers to the Registrar who shall place them before the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research.

viii) If all the thesis examiners recommend the award of the degree the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research shall direct the Controller of Examinations to arrange the holding of the viva voce examinations of the candidate by the approved examiners. The viva voce examination will be held in the office of the Dean who will be titular Chairman of the examination session in the presence of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, respective Dean, the examiner, Supervisors, Research Coordinator and Director, Quality Enhancement Cell. Report of the thesis examiner will be considered prior to the viva voce.

ix) If one of the External thesis examiners proposes revision of whole or a part of the thesis, he shall evaluate the revised thesis again when it is re-submitted. A minimum period of six months must elapse before the revised thesis can be re-submitted for re-evaluation. Only one chance for re-submission of thesis shall be allowed. The procedure pertaining to the submission and evaluation of the thesis given in above article shall also apply to the revised thesis.

x) In case the examiners recommend the award of the degree but at the same time indicate some errors in the thesis or advise some minor changes in its, the candidate shall carry out the necessary corrections/changes. The viva voce examination will be held after the receipt of a certificate from the Supervisor that necessary corrections/changes have been made in the thesis.

xi) If one of the two external examiners recommend the thesis for the award of Ph.D. degree and the other gives an adverse report, a fourth examiner shall be appointed and the opinion of the fourth examiner shall be final. Provided if the examiner who has given the adverse report is a foreign examiner, the fourth examiner will also be a foreign examiner.

xii) Reports of viva voce examiners when received shall be forwarded by the Controller of Examinations in original sealed cover to the Registrar for presentation to the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research. If the reports are satisfactory and the candidates pass the aforesaid viva voce Examination approved by the Committee, then his result should be declared effect from the date of approval of Committee for advanced Studies and Research.

xiii) Decision for award of Ph.D may be communicated to the Controller of Examinations to issue the Provisional Certificate.

xiv) The candidates may be given privileges of the said degree with effect from the date of the approval of Committee for Advanced Studies & Research.

xv) The degree may be followed up in routine by Academic Council and the Syndicate as per requirement.

xvi) When the award of the degree has been finally confirmed by the Syndicate, the copy of the thesis retained by the Controller of Examinations shall be deposited in the University Library.

xvii) In case both the external examiners of the thesis do not recommend the award of the degree, the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research shall recommend rejection of the thesis and the registration of the candidate shall stand cancelled.

xviii) In case the thesis submitted for Ph.D. is found by the thesis examiners to be only upto M.Phil standard, the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research may recommend the award of M.Phil degree to the candidate provided he has successfully defended the thesis at the viva voce examination.

xix) If further extension after the expiry of two years is desired, and approved by the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research, the candidature of the student will be altered and he will then not be considered as regular full time student.

xx) The date of Viva Voce examinations of M.Phil/Ph.D. candidates will be notified and the Viva Voce examination – defense of Thesis by candidates before Examiners will be open for all interested persons.

xxi) The Ph.D. candidates shall have to submit six copies of Ph.D. theses for evaluation.

The Ph.D. theses shall be evaluated by the following:

b) Two eminent experts in advanced foreign countries as foreign Examiners.

c) One External Examiner with in Pakistan, not in service of University of Balochistan.

d) Research Supervisor concerned, as Internal Examiner.

e) One copy of Ph.D. thesis after award of degree will be used as record for Higher Education Commission’s Library and the remaining one will be retained in University Library as record


The result of Ph.D degree program shall be subjected to:

i) Approval of Dissertation by two foreign experts.

ii) Acceptance / publication of at least one research paper in HEC approved journals.


A candidate approved for registration shall be required to pay the following fees to the University:-

S.No. Descriptions R a t e s

1. Registration Fee Rs. 1,350/-

2. Tuition Fee Rs. 5,250/-

3. Course Examination Fee Rs. 3,375/-

4. Thesis & Viva Voce Exam. Fee Rs. 2,250/-

5. Caution Money (Non-refundable) Rs. 675/-

Total Rs. 12,900/-


1. Paper Setting Rs. 1,200/- Per paper.

2. Script Evaluation Rs. 30/- Per script with a minimum of Rs:500/-

3. Thesis Evaluation Rs. 1,000/- to each examiner

$. 60/- to the foreign Examiner

4. Viva Voce exam: Rs. 500/- to each examiner

The candidate will deposit Rs. 50/- along with his application for admission. Teachers of this University and its constituent Institutions will be exempted from the payment of tuition fee and caution money.





Title of the Research Project

Year degree awarded


Abdul Salam Khan

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Petrology of layered ultramafic and mafic rocks west of Bagh area, Saplai Tor Ghar.



Mohammad Munir

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Petrology of metamorphic rocks of the north end of Jang Tor Ghar in the Muslim Bagh area.



Wazir Khan

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Geology and petrochemistry of a part of the Parh group volcanics near Chingan.



Jawed Ahmad

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Clay Mineralogy of the Ghazij Formation of Balochistan.



Mehrab Khan Baloch

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Geology of Ophiolitic rocks from Nal area, District Khuzdar, Balochistan.



Abdul Tawab

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Petrology and Mineralogy of ultramafic and associated rocks, District Khuzdar, Balochistan.



Khalid Mahmood

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Geology of igneous rocks from Nal area, District Khuzdar, Balochistan.



Hassan Khan Kharoti

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Igneous rocks south of Khuzdar Nal section, Balochistan.



Mourteza Boustani

Dr. Aftab A. Butt

Geological studies of a portion of oil bearing strata of Pothwar region Pakistan.



Qaisar Mahmood

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad

Geology of Wad Goth Haji Shakar area Khuzdar District, Balochistan.



Din Mohammad Kakar

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi

Structural and sedimentological studies of the coal bearing Ghazij Formation of Sor Range area, District Quetta, Balochistan.



Masood Iqbal

Dr. Abdul Haque

Ophiolitic rocks Sra-Salwat, south of Muslim Bagh, Balochistan.



Mian Hassan Khan

Mr. Jawed Ahmad

Petrography and stratigraphy of Chiltan Formation, south of Quetta, Balochistan



M. Ayub Baloch

Dr. Abdul Salam

Petrography of Ophiolitic rocks of Goth Shafi Mohammad near Khuzdar District, Balochistan.




Dr. M.A.Farooqui and

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi

Petrology and Provenance of Ispikan Conglomerate, Southwest Makran and its implications on the tectonic evolution of Makran.



Muhammad Sarwar

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi and Dr. Abdul Salam

Geology of the area west of Spera Ragha, District Ziarat, Balochistan



Mr. Khawar Sohail

Dr. Abdul Salam and

Dr. M.A. Farooqui

Petrology, Sedimentology And Diagenesis of Hinglaj Formation, District Khuzdar, Balochistan.



Muhammad Umar

Dr. Abdul Salam and

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi

Sedimentological studies of Upper Cretaceous Pab Sandstone, Kirther Fold Belt Balochistan.



Mohammad Zahir Kakar

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Farooqui

Depositional Environment And Diagenesis of Lower Cretaceous Sembar Formation, Balochistan.



Syed Ashrafuddin

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Farooqui and

Dr. Mehrab Khan Baloch

Petrography, Depositional Environment And Diagenesis of Kharan Formation, Balochistan.



Abdul Razique

Dr. Shamim Ahmed Siddiqi

Copper mineralization in Chaghi metal-logenic province, Balochistan.



Arif Ali

Mr. Jawed Ahmad and Dr. Mobasher Aftab.

Assessment of Groundwater Budget of Mangocher Valley, Balochistan.



Mohammad Rahim Jan

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Farooqui

Geology and Mineral Resources of part of Makran Coast, Balochistan



Muhammad Ishaq

Dr. Mehrab Khan Baloch

and Dr. Khalid Mehmood

Metamorphic rocks associated with Muslim Bagh Ophiolites, Balochistan.



Mushtaq Ahmad Pathan

Dr. Khalid Mehmood and

Dr. Mehrab Khan Baloch

Origin and mode of occurrence of chromites in the mantle section of Muslim Bagh Ophiolites



Razzak Abdul Manan

Dr. Abdul Salam Khan

Genesis of Iron Ore Deposits of Dilband area, Kalat.



Aimal Khan Kasi

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi and Dr. Abdul Salam

Sedimentology and Petrology of the Oligocene Panjgoor Formation, southwest Makran, Pakistan.




Dr. Abdul Salam

Evolution of Archaecet Whale (Rodhocetus) from the Early Middle Eocene of Rakhni area, District Barkhan, Balochistan, Pakistan



Dr. Abdul Salam Khan

Hydrogeological studies of Kuchlak Sub-basin, Balochistan, Pakistan


Mohammad Afzal

Dr. Abdul Salam and

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi

Sedimentology of Upper Cretaceous Moghal Kot Formation, Sulaiman foldbelt, Balochistan, Pakistan.


Shah Maqsood

Dr. Khalid Mehmood and

Dr. Mehrab Khan Baloch

The nature and structural studies of mafic intrusion in the Mantle section of Splai Tor Ghar Ophiolites of Muslimbagh, Pakistan.





Title of the Research Project

Year degree awarded


Mehrab Khan

Dr. Abdul Salam ,

Dr. Khalid Mahmood and

Dr. Edwin Gnos

Petrological and Structural (Kinematic) Studies of the Igneous Rocks of the Baran Lak Area, Bela and Khuzdar Districts, Balochistan



Abdul Tawab Khan

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi and Dr. Abdul Salam Khan

Petrology of Babai Formation (Cretaceous), Northwest Balochistan.


Mohammad Umer

Dr. Abdul Salam

Dr. Akhtar M. Kassi

Facies Distribution,
Depositional Environment, Provenance and Reservoir Characters of Uppar Cretaceous Succession, Kirthar Fold Belt Pakistan




Title of the Research Project


Ghulam Nabi

Dr. Abdul Salam

Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Farooqui

Paleo-environments of Coal bearing Ghazij Formation (Eocene) Balochistan.


Din Mohammad

Dr. Akhtar Mohammad Kassi

Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Farooqui

Geology of the Tertiary Khojak Formation of Pishin, Muslimbagh Chagai Districts, Baloochistan.


Khawar Sohail

Dr. Abdul Salam/
Dr. Khalid Mahmood

Geological Controls over the Water Quality of the Quetta Basin


Mohammad Sarwar

Dr. Abdul Salam

Dr. Akhtar M.Kassi

Facies Architecture and depositional evolution of the Late cretaceous Succession of the Suleman foldbelt, Pakistan

Muhammad Ishaq Kakar

Dr. Khalid Mahmood

Dr. Mehrab Khan

Petrology, Geochemistry and tectonic Setting of the muslimbagh Ophiolite, Balochistan, Pakistan.


Aimal Khan Kasi

Dr.Akhtar M. Kassi

Dr. Aftab Ahmed Butt

Paleogence Formineferal Biostratigraphy of the Balochistan Basin and Western Sulaiman Foldbet, Pakistan



Dr. Abdul Salam

Paleontology, Biology and paleontology of Rodhocetus from the Early Middle Eocene of Pakistan


Razaq Abdul Manan

Dr.Akhtar M. Kassi

Dr. Abdul Salam

Sedimentology of the Wulgai Formation, Suleman folsbelt, Pakistan

M.Phil. Program




Title of the Research Project


Ishtiaq Hussain

Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Farooqui

Sustainable groundwater development of fractured hard rocks aquifers of Quetta Sub-basin


Mohammad Haneef

Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Farooqui

Hydrochemical evaluation of newly identified fractures limestone aquifer of Quetta sub-basin, Pakistan.


Khawaja Saleem Mustafa

Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Farooqui

Physsiographic boundaries of hard rock aquifers of Quetta valley and its water budget



Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Farooqui

Petrology, Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Nisai Formation, Pishin Basdin, Muslimbagh-Khanozai area, Pakistan


Mohammad Bukhari
Dr. Abdul Salam
Dr. M.A. Farooqui

Location of Hamua-i-Mashkail, sub-basin (Tahlab area), its recharge sources and chemistry of ground/surface water of Tahlab area, District Chagai, Balochistan


Ejaz Ahmed

Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Farooqui

Sedimentological, geochemical and provenance characterization oof Miocene Panjgur Formation, southern Makran, Pakistan.


Mohammad Qasim

Dr. Abdul Salam Khan

Depositional Enviroment and hydrocanbon potential of the Triassic-jurassic rocks of the Kirthar foldbelt, Pakistan.

Khuda Dad
Dr. Abdul Salam Khan
Controlling factors on the evolutionary trends in the forminera in the sulaiman thrust foldbelt, pakistan

Nasir Karim
Dr. Akhtar Mohammad kassi
Sedimentology of the Quaternary deposits of the Hana-Urak area, Balochistan, Pakistan.
Muhammad Asim Zeshan
Dr. Akhtar Mohammad kassi
Sedimentology and Perology of Khojak formation in Nushki and surrounding areras, Balochistan, Pakistan

Dr. Mehrab Khan Baloch
Genesis and Evoluion of Epithermal Gold systems in Kohe-Sultan Volcanic Complex District Ghaghi Balochisan, Pakistan,

Mr. Tahir Iqbal
Dr. Akhtar Muhammad Kassi
Sand Stone peirology and provenance of the ghazing formation around Zarghoon trough, NE of Quetta Pakistan.

Mr. Rahim ud Din
Dr. Akhtar Muhammad Kassi
Sandstone petrology and provenance of the siwaliks around zarghoon trough NE of Quetta, Pakistan.

Ms. Shazia Fareed.
Dr. Akhtar Muhammad Kassi
The earthquake risk assessment of Queta and surrounding areas Pakistan.

Muhammad Salman Kakar
Dr. Abdul Salam
Sedimentology of the permo triasio Ghazaband pass Balochistan, Pakistan.

Mr. Abdul Naeem.
Dr. Khalid Mehmood
Gemstones associated with the Muslim Bagh ophiolite complex Pakistan.